Amy & Destin

October 18, 2025 • Edmonton, AB, Canada
219 Days To Go!

Amy & Destin

October 18, 2025 • Edmonton, AB, Canada
219 Days To Go!

Our Story

It's A Love Story... (Des's Version)

Do you know our love story? Many people don’t. Not because I don’t love telling it, I do. It’s just that most people who know Amy don’t believe me!

Our romantic relationship started the way most do. With a kiss.

It started with Amy saying, "I think you should kiss me.”

I was sitting on my bed in my dorm at Lister Hall. Amy was sitting next to me. It was a regular evening. Despite the fact that she had been snuggly for months, and would make fun of me by putting her face very close to mine, I was surprised. Speechless.

I had been in love with my best friend for years. There had never been any indication that she felt the same way. I wish I could say I stopped to interrogate why on earth she would want me to kiss her, or perhaps asked even one single question, but I sure didn’t. I’m not that noble. I thanked my lucky stars, and did what the lady asked.

After that I offered to take her out, to give her a real first date.

Amy said, “No, thank you.”

Thankfully, six months later, after many more Amy-instigated kisses, she changed her mind. The rest is history.